Saturday, September 27, 2008


I went out this morning on a mission. Get a decent reflection shot. My patient husband agree to be my model, even though I know he feels awkward doing it. We went to a lovely cemetary in Cincinnati. Unfortunately the grounds had sustained a great deal of damage from Hurricane IKE that tore thru our area about two weeks ago. There was a lot of debris that had blown everwhere including in the water. Even so the results were not a complete disaster.

I like the way the tree in the background reflects on its mirror image on the water. This was a really beautiful spot.

I couldn't resist posting this shot, even though it isn't part of my assignment. I just think this guy is handsome

No reflections here, I just loved this old family crypt. The door itself was beautiful. The Cross became so pronounced when I framed up this shot

Dan found a tree he wanted to take home!

More Reflections

Other shots from the day

1 comment:

DanHenry said...

Looks like a grueling shoot. Hope you paid your amazing model the triple-scale he so obviously deserves.